The Bohemian Revolution

Dr. Kairó presents The Bohemian Revolution, a turn of the 19th century vaudevillian sideshow spectacular!

Vaudevillian Side Show, Carnival, Dime Museum of Oddities, Menagerie, & Cabaret all in one.

A taste of

The Bohemian Revolution
(Photo & Video Gallery)

at the opening party for


List of acts and attractions involved with "The Greatest Spectacle on Earth!";

50 Lbs. Anvil Lifted by Eye Sockets
Aztec Indian/Witch doctor
Balancing on Spear
Band of Fortune Telling Gypsies
Bearded Lady
Bed of Nails
Bed Spring with Drill Gun
Bird Cage Act
Blue Giraffe
Broken Glass Acts (Walking on, Jumping on, Dancing on, Face in, Eating Broken Glass)
Burlesque/Hoochi Coochi Dancers
Cabaret Singers
Clowns (Indecent, Profane and Obscene)
Dance of the Seven Veils Belly Dancer
Dancers (Sexy Can Can, Sexy Mexican, Wild African, Forbidden Thai, Mysterious Tribal, Passionate Tango)
Elephants on Parade
Escape Artist
Fire Breathing, Dancing, Eating
Globe Walkers
Gypsy Brass Band
Half Man Half Woman
Houdini Style Magic
Human Dart Board
Hokey Pokey
Heffalump & Woozles
Hula Hoop
Jugglers with Machetes
Knife Throwing
Large Marge Worlds Largest Lady
Little People
Man with many Arms
Mimes (Indecent, Profane and Obscene)
Monkeys (including Flying Monkeys)
Pink Elephant
Puppet Show
Rubber Chickens
Shrunken Heads
Siamese Twins
Snake Charmers
Spanish Web
Staples, Skewers & Hoses
Strong Man
Sword Swallowing (Flaming Hilt, Sword Swallowing Lady, Multiple Swords Swallowing being hit with a Frying Pan in to the Mouth)
Tattooed Lady
Vaginal Darts
Walking on Coals
Wild Boy/Wolf Boy
Wrestling (Sexy Girls, Tough Girls, Handsome Boys, Fatties, Skinnies, Minnies, Clowns vs. Mimes)
& Much More...

Dr. Kairo | The Fortune Teller | The Entertainer | The Bohemian Revolution

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